Done-with-You Credit Repair Coaching Program

Increase Your Credit Scores So You Can Achieve Your Next Level Goals and Dreams

Done-with-You Credit Repair Coaching Program

Increase Your Credit Scores So You Can Achieve Your Next Level Goals and Dreams

Prepare Your Credit Report for the Homebuying Process

We’re in so many groups with people who are in the credit repair business as well as groups of do-it-yourselfers, and what we’ve found is people keep asking the same questions…Especially when they have plans to buy a home!

Becoming a homebuyer is supposed to be one of the greatest joys of life, however it is increasingly becoming one of the most trying times of life.

You’ve spent months and more likely years imagining making memories with your spouse or partner in your home. You’ve thought about the goals you’d work together to achieve, making it all out on your dining room table before resetting it after dinner. You’ve already been building mental memories of cooking dinner, playing games, entertaining friends and family, and raising your children together.

The last thing you ever want to hear is, “We’re sorry. You’re denied at this time.”

Especially when you’ve done everything most people say matters:
1. Your scores are much higher than the typical conventional loan requirement of 620,
2. You have stable employment, and
3. You have a down payment.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to have an overall credit profile that matches what lenders are required to take into consideration. The account types, the positive and negative information, the accurate and inaccurate information, all affect your credit scores and approvals.

For example, if companies are reporting collections or charge-offs that exceed $2,000.00 combined, you’ll be expected to pay those off. This is frustrating for the clients we’ve worked with because many times, these items didn’t even belong to them. Yet, in order to get their home, they had to use money they’d saved for their down payment and new home furnishings.

We also frequently see companies not reporting your monthly payments and account balances accurately. This is frustrating because it makes it appear that you owe more than you do, which increases your debt-to-income ratio. This, in turn increases the chance of you not being approved or being approved at a less favorable interest rate.

The most detrimental thing that we see often is creditors inaccurately reporting due dates or received payments, which makes it look like you don’t pay your bills on time.

We experience these examples repeatedly week after week.

If you’re like the clients we’ve helped, what’s even more frustrating, is that many of these negative items that are reported on your credit report are either questionable, unverifiable, inaccurate, or they don’t belong to you at all.

Yet, you are being penalized when it’s time for you to get what you really want. Your new home.

Since we’ve been in the credit repair industry, we’ve made it our business to see what other people are doing right, as well as see where people are struggling. We’re in SO many groups with people who are in the business of credit repair as well as many other do-it-yourself groups.

What we’ve found is people keep asking the same questions!

They’re frustrated because they don’t understand which methods get results quickly and consistently. And most do-it-your-selfers are afraid that they’re going to mess something up, or they feel like they just don’t have the time. But the greater majority of people are just like you. They are typically looking to purchase or refinance a home and they can not allow credit to slow down the process. They have no time and energy to waste, and simply need the tried and true know how.

And just like you, they want the process to be laid out in a way that saves them time and makes it EASY! And SAVE MONEY.

In fact, when our clients call us, many of them have tried to complete the credit repair and credit building process on their own, and because they had no luck, they would rather pay our full-service prices of $897.00 – $1798.00. In reality, many of them really want to know how to do it themselves so they can repair and build their own credit, get their homes and help their family and friends.

We actually found the same problem in many of our credit repair professional networking groups. Many industry professionals have been in the business for a few months to a few years, and do not know how to legally get results quickly and consistently.

Now, this is no disrespect to anyone, because when we started our business, we were paddling upstream in the same boat, fighting against the current. It was taking us, the trained professionals, 3 to 6 months to get substantial results for items we knew didn’t legally comply with reporting laws. Needless to say, we weren’t pleased with that timeframe.

In fact, years prior to investing in this particular business, we ourselves had previously paid to have our own credit repaired. And while it was financially worth the investment, the one thing we knew is that we wished the process had been faster. Especially since so much was inaccurate or accounts we had no knowledge of.

So, we knew that we HAD to do things differently in order to accomplish our business goal of helping 15,000 families achieve the American dream of homeownership and a legacy of good credit.

The Elevator is perfect for you if you want a proven process with detailed information on how to do each of the steps and correct your credit, without having to get off and go on a distracting search to figure anything out.

The Elevator includes extensive written directions and audio overviews that provide a comprehensive understanding of what to do and why each step of the process matters.


As we worked our client’s files, we stayed determined to figure out how to get results quickly and consistently. After investing over $6,500 and over a year of time investing in, learning, and executing what other business owners who were having amazing success taught us, we bumped into a business owner at the post office.

He was tall, casually dressed, and growing impatient with how long it was taking us to order stamps from the automated machine so we could mail our stack of dispute letters. Once we stepped to the side to put the postage on them all, we noticed he was mailing out thick envelopes that looked similar to ours, and we simply asked one question, “Are you in the credit repair industry?”

He turned around, his face lit up, and he proceeded to tell us things about the industry and process that no one else had ever shared. And he went even further into how he was using his own credit to leverage financial prosperity strategies we’d never heard.

He explained that he trains serious business owners how to serve their clients in a way that few other companies do and told us his pricing.

Days later, we paid in full, $2,497.00, for a course than had more than $100,000.00 in value. And as many people say, the rest is history.

Our decision to ask that one question and executing on the knowledge he gave in his course changed the trajectory of our client results, our business partnerships, monthly revenue, and has given us time and money to invest in our other dreams, like becoming licensed mortgage loan originators so we can help our client secure the funding on their mortgage or refinances.

Investing in his coaching and mentorship was the real key to getting the most impactful results quickly and efficiently. He equipped us with a better understanding of the real laws governing consumer credit reports, the real factors contributing to low scores, and the real language that motivates the bureaus to conduct a proper, legally compliant investigation.

His guidance even helped us confidently sue one of the largest non-compliant debt collectors  and WIN. Their attorney reached out to us to negotiate a favorable settlement agreement because all our dispute letters and process were legally accurate.

After streamlining all our education, and implementing what we’ve learned, we now consistently help our clients’ scores increase within 45-90 days, which is less than half the time it used to take. We love repeatedly, consistently and quickly helping our clients achieve their credit goals so they can get their homes and cash-out-refinances.

Plus, their confidence increases drastically because they have a better understanding of credit and finances.

We’re now ready to help as many Do-it-Yourselfers as possible get the most efficient and effective credit repair by following our proprietary method. Our solutions are designed to prevent you from wasting time sifting through ineffective methods.

If you are looking to legally, quickly and consistently correct credit for yourself, family or others you’d like to help repair their credit, then click the link below.

You are only a few steps away from starting the most effective process to Repair Consumer Credit Reports and Build Solid Credit.

If you want to learn an expert disputing process, we encourage you to enroll in our three-week “Done-With-You Credit Repair Coaching Program.” In this program, we will coach you through the disputing process, help you analyze your report, find inaccuracies, and create a custom dispute strategy. We also provide you with letters so you can copy and paste the text from the letters or handwrite the letters. This is for you if you have the time and energy to learn a new skill that can keep serving you.

Thinking about starting your own Credit Repair Business? This program is certainly for you. We’ll cover what you need to know to set up legally and operate in full compliance.

The Elevator is perfect for you if you want a proven process with detailed information on how to do each of the steps and correct your credit, without having to get off and go on a distracting search to figure anything out.

The Elevator includes extensive written directions and audio overviews that provide a comprehensive understanding of what to do and why each step of the process matters.



  • Positive Credit Building Education and Process

  • Requesting credit reports and scores from all three (3)  credit bureaus to evaluate current credit reports as listed with preferred (IdentityIQ) credit reporting agencies and identifying inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information

  • Consumer Laws Overview

  • Credit Audit/Analysis

  • Credit Problem Analyzer

  • Education On Credit Report Dispute Strategy Process, to include:

    1. Reviewing credit profile status from the credit reporting agencies, to include: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion.
    2. Assessing any inaccurate, erroneous, false or obsolete information contained in your credit reports
    3. Guiding you of the necessary steps to take in disputing
    4. Guiding you in the process of preparing all necessary correspondence in dispute of inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information in your credit reports.
    5. Guiding you in the process of mailing correspondence to credit bureaus, original creditor(s) and collection agencies to challenge and/or obtain verification/validation of alleged debt (if necessary).
  • Templates of Letters to Mail to Credit Bureaus, Original Creditor(S) and Collection Agencies